State Library of NSW
of this zamia, one half of the bag being pressed into the concavity of the other, ^resulting somewhat in a sort of oval dish. The netted-string (fibre) dilly-bags, wón-yún, when sed by the men are "tchabool" (sect. 33), the prohibition including everything therein contained : when used by the women, nothing sacred is put in them - only the ordinary family possessions. The shells, ^often employed as drinking-cups and sometimes used for boiling water in, have already been referred to (sect 5.) : these are obtained in the main along the coast and on the [indecipherable] by the Bannabilla and Mt [indecipherable] boys who barter them. The box-tree-bark trough, too-bal, (sect. 4) is made of an oblong sheet crinkled up concertina-fashion at the extremities which are fixed in position by driving a sharply pointed hard-wood peg through them. [drawing representative of description] [note in margin fly-flicker" [indecipherable] somewhat upon [indecipherable] of a feather, [indecipherable] carrowary [indecipherable]] The nautilus-shell [indecipherable] ornament (sect. 53) is often used as aspoon. There is the fire-tongs also to be mentioned, [drawing representative of description] - a ^split piece of lawyer-vine bent double. Other domestic implements are the yarn-stick (tchoo-àh), the pounder and grindstone. The old men remember the times when sharp stones were used as chisels : stone tomahawks, bàng-gàl-ji, were certainly employed in the Bloomfield district up to 13 years ago.
61. Weapons. (a) Shields. The long oblong shield up to 3 1/2 by 11/2 feet used to be manufactured here in times gone by, and occasionally some of the very older men will take it into their heads to make them now. Variously ornamented. Koon-joo-zí (b) Swords. The same remarks apply to the long-single handed sword - the wór-ran (c) Wommeras. (i) bent variety, bal-loor, [drawing representative of description] for spearing fish or birds with - especially anything at close quarters. (ii) straight var, mil-bár [drawing representative of description]
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