Volume 03 Item 08: Walter Edmund Roth Bulletin No. 18 Social and Individual Nomenclature, 1904-1906 - Page 90

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[-] mence to make things as soon as they are able. 
35. Association. Hunting-parties are formed, the principle of sharing lying on no other basis than that the one who has most "cheek" and most friends will not hesitate to come for-
ward and say what he wants: such an individual however will not always pick out the best bit, or that which he prefers best, in case he might be considered too greedy. 
36. Measures, Weights. There are no measures of size, weight etc beyond separate terms for "big, small, heavy, light" etc:  in the case of length, a thing would be described as being long as such a neighbouring sapling -- their measures being all comparative only.
37. War. There is one (not necessarily the oldest) generally who takes the lead, and plans out the mode of attack, when about to enter upon inter-tribal warfare. At the field of battle the old women, depending upon circumstances, will either try to prevent blood-shed, or else egg them on to greater fury and execute the war-dance while the fight is progressing. No prisoners are taken, although the opportunity may be seized of capturing any women of whom they may happen to be in want. The leader in such a battle has a peculiar form of head-dress: this consists of cockatoo top-knot feathers fixed onto little pieces of sticks stuck around the edges of a ^flat circular piece of beeswax pressed into position on the back of the head. 
[sketch of head wearing above head-dress]
38. Hunting  Hunting-Parties are formed (sect. 35). The migration of the tribe are certainly influenced by the plants or animals they search for or hunt. No nets, traps, or decoys are brought into requisition: they simply use their spears and hunt with their dogs.
39. Nomadic Life: Their nomadic life in addition to being thus influenced by their food-supplies is also relevant to their necessity for changing the site of a camp, which sooner or later, owing to the refuse, garbage, and filth, must perforce be shifted.

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