animals beyond the special importance attached to one of the corrobborres (that of the "wild-cat") at the initiation ceremony (sect 22) (ii) to the various foods which at different times they are forbidden to eat (sect 22, and sect 33).
14. Obsession & Possession. Certain diseases, and other im-pending [impending] physical disasters are ascribed to demons, mâ-roonjí, with whom some individuals (e.g. "doctors", with perhaps their friends in secret) are friendly, and others are at enmity : the former will ward off the impending danger by the exposure of anything red (the colour par excellence indicative of force, heat, anger etc), the latter will hide anything such out of sight. Others will conceal themselves in a water-hole etc during the thunder or lightning. There is another demon, yér-roo, who lives in the ground : the older men to whom this country originally belonged will give out that certain tracts of it are "yerroo", with the result that if any males (or females) but themselves eat there, camp there, disturb the soil in any way whatever, "yerroo, will inflict them with grievous sores etc. Near Bairdi selection (Cunnamurra) in one of the waterfalls is said to be a long rock which travels up and down the foaming cataract : this ston particular stone is believed to be "yerroo" in a visible form, who can inflict diseases of all kinds. Though this spirit does not enter actually the body, his exact procedure in inflicting ills is not quite apparent : at any rate he is not supposed to make his presence felt through the patient's voice, ventriloquism etc. Erotic dreams are not admitted, if indeed they even occur.
15. Spiritualism. The following proceedings, of the nature of those carried on by "spiritualists", were first brought under notice by Hislop hearing of a mob of "spirits hanging round the Bloomfield Mission when they had been seen, He encouraged the Wyalla mob, with the promise of a reward in the shape of flour etc. to bring them down to his place, and soon afterwards he was asked to come down into the camp after dark and be introduced. In response to the invitation he went down, and saw the intermediary who having sent the