applied by the Cape Bedford Blacks to the people (and language) the Coast-line from Barrow Point to Cape Melville. On the other hand. in very many cases, the name of the language has nothing whatever to do with the people speaking it. Indeed, it may be absent altogether, there being no occasion for use its, it may have a now unknown meaning, it may be compounded from the first person pronouns (e.g. the teana-ngada and marma-ngati dialects of the Mission River, Albatross Bay), and it may be indicated by its place of origin: thus, Yuno-Kappa, Kia-Kappa, and Yilbar-Kappa denote the Bowen, Proserpine, and Charters Towers languages respectively, wile Kok-Barmul and Koko-Lama-Lama describe what is spoken on portions of the Morehead River and Princess Charlotte Bay. Similarly, in the Cairns District, the Kungganji, Yinkanji, and Yidinji speak Kunggai, yinkai and yidi respectively.
4. In the following notes dealing with Ethnographical districts I propose referring only to those for where, during the past 13 years I have lived with the natives on terms of fairly personal intimacy, and then but to place on record the more important of the separate groups *8 comprising them, the trade-routes followed, and some of the more important place names, the Boulia and neighbouring districts have already been threshed out in a previous work, while the more important of the remaining details of the other areas have been discussed according to then subject matter in my different Bulletins.
8* These groups have been referred to throughout the various Bulletins by their initial letters bracketed.