Volume 74 Item 04: Sir William Macarthur memoranda regarding vintages, 1845, 1846: No. 34

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Monday 9th March - Best Gonnis

9 Loads best gonnis about 1150 to 1200 Gals    
average sp. grav. about   1083
March 10th     
56/2 Inclined to vat many of the grapes being dried up into raisins about Gals 400  
average sp. grav. about   1099
Last Pressing being  1115o to 1120o   
Average of the whole finally put into No 2 Large vat about    1087o


March 10th  10 P.M. LS. about 775
     "     11th  1 P.M.     Do 345
    "       "     10 P.M.    Do 130
    "      12th  8 P.M.     Do 130
  1380 or at
2o to the oz upon 1600 gals at the rate of 27o per gal
or about Sp gal 1114o

14th Racked it off into 3 of the large casks 420 each 3 puncheons & 1 Hogshead for filling up

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