Volume 07 Item 03: John Macarthur day book, November 1818-March 1820: No. 050

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                        April 1819
1st Paid Government for 10 Bushels Bran £0.8.4
2nd John Lee f Wm Clark  2ls Sugar
3rd Watsford Cash _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _       5.0.0
     John Lee  1 Beaver Hat _ _ _ _ _ _ _      1. .0
"    W Laughlin 1 [ditto]   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     1. .0
"    Watsford     1 [ditto]   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     1. .0
"    Halton         1 [ditto]   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _     1. .0
  2 [ditto][ditto] kept out for Griffin & Farrell
"  Sold H.H. W Arthur 44 Beaver Hats
   @  100 p Cent[?] or 16/- ___ £ 35.4.0
" Sold Richard Cheers 12 Wethers @ 30p
"  W Field
                 Issued to Wheatley
        1 Weeks ration for four men at Hinchin
  brooke 28ls Beef 1 Bushel Wheat
" Murray (the Shoemaker) 5lb Sugar 5/-lb Tea 7/-
                 Balance Remaining due to him
              this day £0.9.6   kilo 5.17.0
                                         [?] 5.7.6
" Paid Owen. Baker. Barton [?] Cash £2.12.6
  (for washing Wool 3 men6days each
          and one man 3 days at 2/0/[?] diem
    W. Laughlin Cash _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _      1.5.0



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