State Library of NSW
December 1818 £. s. d Cash in Hand B. Notes 85. 0. 0 Store receipt ---- 52.17. 0 Check on the Bank 54. 4. 0 £192.1.0 Received from Jonathan Bardsley to be accounted for Four Bank of England Notes No: 15.984 £10. 0.0 19. 719 - 10. 0.0 Total Twenty seven pounds as p.r margin 7.942 -- 5. 0.0 16,481 - 2. 0.0 £27.0.0
19th Gardner 1/2 lb. Tea 2 lb Sugar 1/2 lb Tobacco } Mortlock D.o D.o D.o D.o }1/2 Bushel Wheat 7. lb Beef & 4 lb Pork } //// 14 Hutchins 2 oz Tea 1 lb. Sugar 1/4 Tobacco Jones 1/4 lb Tobacco [ Warner 1/4 D.o [ Cartwright 1/4 D.o { Served to these persons Davis 1/4 D.o { on Monday 14 th. Dec.r Hawkins 1/4 D.o { Halter !/4 D.o {
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