Cave letters, 1915-1919 / Harrie Joseph Cave - Page 802

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<p>a4701803.html</p><p>8/&nbsp; Seems as tho. some of them have never earned so much money in their lives B4, because they make it run like water &amp; care not for the future apr&eacute;s la guerre.&nbsp; I&#39;ll be quite content to carry on with my &quot;bob-a-day&quot; &amp; let you collect the Balance for your use @ Gladesville.&nbsp; I ought to have be<s>en</s>tween &pound;10 - 12 in credit by the time my leave comes thro. - next month, God willing - so I feel content @ that. . .&nbsp; Can&#39;t compree the reticence of our relatives in Melb. in not writing to you.&nbsp; Might mention that Aunts Soph. &amp; Maggie are the only ones who write @ all frequently to me.&nbsp; Aunt Ciss of course sent the big &amp; expensive parcel &amp; Aunts Jean &amp; Em, also Alice write now &amp; again.&nbsp; Don&#39;t know whether they all expect weekly letters from me, but if they do, they can &quot;wash&quot; it right out of their minds, because I am here to &quot;Box on&quot; &amp; am not in a &quot;cushy&quot; Base job or one in England. . .&nbsp; Yes, we now know all about the Ref., it&#39;s result &amp; why.&nbsp; Oh that we here could have had the truth B4 the poll!&nbsp; Hughes has certainly shown that Democracy &amp; the welfare &amp; future of the people is not on his programme.&nbsp; It seems as tho. his nose rubbing in the &quot;Big Smoke&quot; with L. George has turned his head to just the very thing we &quot;Aussies&quot; as a democratic community (or as near as we can get to that grand state @ present) are up against.&nbsp; You know to what I refer?&nbsp; Yes, I --- ism.&nbsp; . .&nbsp;&nbsp; Oo-la-lah!!&nbsp; What a victory for No!&nbsp; How does &quot;Little Willy&quot; feel on it now &amp; <u>why</u> can&#39;t he &amp; his crew be imshee&#39;d out, lock, stock &amp; barrel &amp; made to stick to their pledge - a resignation if defeated?&nbsp; It is certainly strange, the &quot;works-in-a-wheelbarrow&quot; of present day &quot;[Gad?] bagging parliamentarians &amp; I&#39;m sure frazzled to read of such carryings-on.&nbsp; How much longer can such a Party remain in Power after such a clean-cut public opinion against them? . .&nbsp;&nbsp; Thanks for your a/c., I now see thro. the proposal to send &quot;Andy&quot; Fisher to Washington as an &quot;Aussie&quot; Ambassador, &amp; give his London job to M<sup>rs</sup>. H.&nbsp; I wondered @ the time I first read of it what could be in the wind. .&nbsp; Thanks for the N/P. clipping you sent, headed: &quot;A Secret Document&quot; - it has enlightened me very much I can assure you &amp; I&#39;ll watch with interest the developments that are pending. .&nbsp; Ah well, you&#39;re having your bothers too, so let&#39;s hope that all will soon be &quot;jake&quot; again.&nbsp; In conclusion (&amp; the hour is late) let me send you my best Love &amp; Wishes &amp; the hopes that best of health, spirit &amp; prosperity is with you &amp; all our friends &amp; relatives in &quot;Aussie&quot;.&nbsp; Till I write &quot;sum-mor&quot;, Good Night &amp; Good bye-ee.&nbsp; God be with you &amp; bless you.&nbsp; I am ever your loving son &amp; bro&nbsp;&nbsp; Harrie xxx</p>

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