Cave letters, 1915-1919 / Harrie Joseph Cave - Page 800

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<p>a4701801.html</p><p>4/&nbsp; derfully &amp; I&#39;m sure now that I&#39;ll be far too shy to talk to her.&nbsp; The snaps also give me a little idea of what the lovely gardens &amp; surroundings @ &quot;W&#39;bool&quot; must be like.&nbsp; Jove! but I long to be there!&nbsp; ....&nbsp; Congrat&#39;s to Thel. on gaining the prize @ School.&nbsp; Guess she too will soon have enough books to start a circulating library.&nbsp; Keep it up!&nbsp; .....&nbsp; Wouldn&#39;t mind giving Tarban Creek Baths a &quot;bit of a fly&quot; myself, tho. I&#39;m &quot;dead off&quot; swimming just now owing mostly to the Wintry elements &amp; scenes that rule here, &amp; the &quot;[?]&quot; is not as &quot;clever&quot; as it was. . . Glad that the girls make use of those baths - there&#39;s nothing like exercise &amp; no exercise to come near swimming.&nbsp; So you are to be initiated into the &quot;Annuals&quot; @ Elky.&nbsp; Good! . .&nbsp; Pity that the heavy rains spoilt the apricots &amp; peaches, but it&#39;s good that Mother saved some by making jam.&nbsp; How nice!&nbsp; . . Guess you&#39;ll be able to supply small retail shops with the surplus fruit &amp; vege&#39;s. grown @ &quot;W&#39;bool&quot; &amp; so add a little more to the Bank a/c . . . Nice to know that you are able to help some of the more unfortunate folk in the &#39;Main, etc. who have had such a &quot;rough spin&quot; with work during &amp; since the Great Strike . . .&nbsp; I just love to read your glowing a/cs. of the progress of flowers, herbs, vege&#39;s. &amp; fruit in the garden &amp; how they make me feel as tho. I want to fly from this rotten, corrupt life &amp; get nearer lovely &amp; wonderful Nature.&nbsp; I was always a great admirer &amp; worshipper of natural beauties, hence my long tours to Melb., Kangaroo Valley, (via Camden, Razorback, Picton, Moss Vale, Fitzroy Falls &amp; Barrengarry M<sup>tn</sup>., etc.) Nowra, (via Cambewarra M<sup>tn</sup>.) South Coast, Bulli Pass, Kurrajong Heights, Jenolan Caves etc. etc.&nbsp; Yes, the &quot;bike&quot;, good health, &amp; those grand scenes&#39;ll do me to admire, &amp; I am longing for the time to come again so that I can 4get this big spasm in my life . . .&nbsp; It&#39;s always a great relief to know that you are all enjoying God&#39;s great blessing - good health - tho. your later letters tell me of your sudden illness &amp; subsequent laying up.&nbsp; Let&#39;s hope that long ere this is handed to you, best of health will be your lot. . . Pleased that the Govt. is carrying-on with the warship building programme &amp; that you are now prosperous.&nbsp; Good to know that the HMAS &quot;Adelaide&quot; is progressing so well, &amp; am hoping that nothing occurs to mar the completion.&nbsp; If she&#39;s a bit late for this &quot;dust-</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>PTO to 2 [at bottom left hand margin]</p>

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