Cave letters, 1915-1919 / Harrie Joseph Cave - Page 796

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<p>a4701797.html</p><p>6/&nbsp; news as I could wish for, because I did so want to learn that Les Norman&#39;s watch had arr<sup>d</sup>. &amp; that you handed it safely over to Mr Napier.&nbsp; As I said B4, I should have sent something worth while from England only that the financial position with me, as you know, would not stand it. .&nbsp; Mention of Les Norman reminds me that he is now safely ensconced in Ward C<sup>2</sup>., 10<sup>th</sup>. Canadian Gen<sup>l</sup>. Hosp., a week or so ago.&nbsp; I have 4warded his private mail out of his valise (&quot;pack&quot;), but his souvenir Hun gas-mask will have to wait till I go over the &quot;Pond&quot;.&nbsp; You know of course, that Les. was gassed while we were in les tranch&eacute;e here some weeks ago.&nbsp; (We are still close up) but he is doing pretty well amidst a bit of a heaven, - nice nurses, lovely bed , &amp; ward &amp; the like.&nbsp; You might let Mrs. Napier know, just in case his letters get a rough passage..&nbsp; Pleased that the parcel rec<sup>d</sup>. such a &quot;smooth passage&quot; from officials &amp; Customs.&nbsp; Will send my 4<sup>th</sup>. do.[?] from London when I go over - God willing - in a month or so, but will advise you later...&nbsp; good to know that none of my letters to you from England were ever opened B4 you got them, &amp; hope that these that follow will go thro. just as smoothly.&nbsp;&nbsp; Not surprised to know that your Yuletide 1917 was so quiet, but let&#39;s hope 1918 will be one of World Wide happiness.&nbsp; You&#39;ll know long ere this that ours near the Front line was also a &quot;quiet&quot; one, tho. spent amidst real wintry scenes.&nbsp; Brrh!&nbsp; Easter has now come (yesterday was Good Friday) &amp; the &frac12; year draws near. (no &#39;pun&#39; meant).&nbsp; By that time big things will have happened on this Front, in the air &amp; perhaps on the Sea, &amp; let&#39;s hope, Peace will reign once more.&nbsp; Fancy!&nbsp; You&#39;ve been over 12 months @ &quot;Warrnambool&quot;? - &amp; I am approaching my 2&frac12; years absence, gee! . . .Ha! ha!!&nbsp; Good old feasts? - &amp; why not?&nbsp; Don&#39;t worry about us &amp; our monotonous [?] for we&#39;ll make up for lost time, aspr&eacute;s.&nbsp; It&#39;s real good to know that you all have full &amp; plenty &amp; that &quot;W&#39;bool&#39;s&quot; garden returns you such grand fruit &amp; vege&#39;s. for your patience &amp; labor.&nbsp; Never mind, we&#39;ll make &quot;stoo&quot;, [&quot;query&quot;?] tea, &quot;Anzac&quot; hash, &quot;Bully&quot;, &amp; &quot;Anzac Wafers&quot; do till this lot is over. . . I can well imagine Thel&#39;s great delight @ capturing a 3<sup>d</sup> out of the Puddin&#39;.&nbsp; oo-la-lah . . .&nbsp; Can&#39;t imagine what hot weather feels like now, let alone it being so hot that you can hardly venture out-o&#39;-doors.&nbsp; No wonder the surf beaches are so popular.&nbsp; Oh gibbit!! . . .&nbsp; Pleased that you</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>PTO to 7 [in bottom left hand margin]</p>

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