Cave letters, 1915-1919 / Harrie Joseph Cave - Page 780

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<p>a4701781.html</p><p>4/&nbsp; fitted out with a hand pump they are soon emptied&nbsp; . . . It seemed an almost endless march along the narrow &quot;duckboards&quot; in the dark ere we reached the open, across which we had to traverse in order to reach the post in front of the Hun.&nbsp; I will not &quot;dig up&quot; the recollections of our spasm en-route or the term we had to serve, only to say that it all ended as God willed it - &quot;OK&quot; . . . As we were coming out to this place, who should pass me in the communication Trench but young &quot;Codger&quot; Fergusson, whose Batt<sup>n</sup>. has taken our place.&nbsp; I hadn&#39;t time or opportunity to say any more than &quot;Good Luck&quot; owing to the narrowness of the trench &amp; the fact that we were all loaded up with enormous heavy gear etc. &amp; so many behind &amp; in front coming &amp; going.&nbsp; Nevertheless it was most pleasing to see that &quot;Snowy&quot; was then &quot;A1&quot; &amp; I hope he remains so.&nbsp; He sends regards (etc) to you &amp; to all old acquaintances &quot;Down Under&quot;.&nbsp; His passing remark was that bro. Ralph was still going strong down Baghdad way.&nbsp; Good!</p><p>Winter is @ last losing it&#39;s fierceness &amp; Spring seems to be nearly on us.&nbsp; Couldn&#39;t help some very deep thoughts during the hours prior to, &amp; just after dawn while &quot;standing to&quot; in our outpost &quot;Pill Box&quot; - one of many which the &quot;Square Heads&quot; have left to us to sleep in &amp; watch him from - during our exciting term there.&nbsp; The <s>the</s> musings were caused by the birds - yes, just our little feathered friends, &amp; all that remains to remind me that nature is still supreme - &amp; what thoughts gee!!&nbsp; There they were, skylarks &amp; nightingales, (I think that&#39;s what they were) down in that dreadful region of &quot;No Man&#39;s Land&quot;, somewhere in Belgium, chirping, tittering &amp; singing most beautifully as if life, even amongst the foot high tree-trunk remnants, where &quot;whizz bangs&quot;, &quot;heavies&quot;, Trench Mortars, &quot;Minnies&quot;, gas-shells &amp; bullets with</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>PTO</p><p>6</p><p>2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [in bottom left hand margin]</p>

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