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19th Dec.
Met the Spaniard again, somewhere about 60 miles east of Trinidad, & both ships proceeded west towards it. During night some wireless scared them & ships turned to Eastward.
20th Dec.
both ships hauled to South at 10 A.M. doing about 7 knots.
23rd Dec.
Both vessel stopped & drifting waiting for chance to get alongside Spaniard for coal.
Xmas Day 1917.
Boating fresh water over to Spaniard for their boilers
26th Dec.
4 pm Made fast alongside Spaniard & commenced coaling. Ships bumping heavily. Coaling proceeded during night.
27th Dec.
Coaling proceeded until 6 pm when we had to cast off, ships smashing each other. "Wol" making 8 tons water per hour leakage.
Current Status: