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fines up a bit. We are still living at Leederville but hope to get out of it inside the next month, it will be a relief to get into our own place again. We had Mr. Logie staying with us last week we quite enjoy his company I like to have him. It's nice to see a Kojonup face & hear all the news. How is Mrs. Fred? I do hope she will be quite alright & that Ronnie is well. My 2 are real well & quite happy. I hope the season will be a good one for you. Did you get the patterns I sent to you?
I hear Mrs. Cornwall is married & that Magraths have bought a motor so Kojonup is coming on. I saw Mr. & Mrs. Lowden on Monday they do splendid work in the old metals dept. of the Trench Comforts. They work like a couple of navies & its very dirty work too. You see they just live in rooms so have practically nothing to do, so devote all their time to the work, its a great scheme, it would surprise you to see what is in there.
I have been busy today making orange marmalade & yesterday I made pickles one must eat you know.