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[Page 37]
Well I can tell you that we have been keep fairly on the move and by the same rule so has Jacko, he is being chased from one place to another. Well I have passed through some of the best land that I ever expect to see, land that would grow anything. On this stunt we have been as many as five days without a wash, my word water has been very scarce both for horses & men on this stunt, do you know that at times we live worse than the natives do at home no chance of washing or anything else. I think I was telling you about our section capturing thirteen Turks.
Well I can not write much today as there is a lot of chaps talking all around me & I seen as if I can not keep my mind on writing, so you must excuse me not writing much. I am sending you a Turkish Card & a Little Turkish Map also some Ferns I got out of a well in the mountains near The Most Holy City in the World.
Well you must of had a dredful wet winter over there, and what a price sheep are. Did the Grey mare have a foal this year. Do you know that for about three weeks on this stunt we never had our clothes off & we had our boots on five day & nights at a stretch.
It is very cold here of a night & morning now. I wonder when this awful war is going to end, there is no doubt that it is a most cruel thing, I have seen enough war to do me the rest of my life. I would willing give all I possess if this war would only finish & let us all get back to our home & loved ones, there's nothing that can compensate some of these chaps for what they have gone through