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c/- National Bank
June 26th 1918.
My dear Mrs. Bilney
Please accept our sympathy with you in your loss. I know how sore your heart will be but its a grand & glorious death for a brave man to die in the way in which your nephew did, of course I know that it must have been an awful shock to you & his poor little wife, but I hope you will soon be able to look calmly on it.
I had a letter from Mrs. Simms today – She tells me you ae having very good turnouts still. I am real glad to hear it & only hope they will continue, for I am very sure it will all be wanted. The war news is a little better this last few days what a pity its not all over, its been such a long weary heart breaking business.
We are getting very rough cold & wet weather, will be very glad when it