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[Page 27]

Well I am pleased to say I have recieved all the parcels that both you and Nell have sent me and most of the papers, for which I thank you all. My word Alie must be getting on fine now. She will never know me when I return, but one could hardly expect her to, she was so young when I left. Nell tells me Alie is great on Motor Cars now, I wonder if she still likes horses like she used to. Its funny how she has taken such a liking to the boss. So Olive is out there with you now, well she will be company for you and a great help also. How is Dolly and Mabel getting on, I expect you see them fairly often.

Jack Norrish was only out with the Regiment about three weeks and he has gone back to the Detail Camp again. Mr. Finlay is in the best of health. Tell Mrs. Simms that I wished to be remembered to her and Doris. I hope Mr. Ross continues to do well, I feel very sorry for him.

The Regiment has came in to the beach for a months rest, if the Turk only keeps quite we will get it I expect. I have not seen Elworthy or Levi for about three weeks now, but I will see them within the next few days again. That insectabane you sent me was very handy, as it keeps the stock down, althoug I have been very lucky I have had none yet, only fleas.

I am sending you some photos of the floor of the Church I was telling you about in one of my letters, I hope you get them safe. The real thing looked better than the Photo shows it, as the different colours does not show in a Photo, but it will give you an idea of what it was like. Uncle Johnny is a long time in getting over, he would be very handy if he was there now I suppose, it must be very awkward to be with out a man at all about the place.

Well I think I have told you all the news for the present time. Remember me to Mr. & Mrs. Watson, [Dolby?] & his Wife, Mr. & Mrs. Flanagan also Mrs. Peacock. Well what ever you do, try not to worry, as what is to be will be and I hope to get back home to you all again some day. Tell the Boss to do just just as he thinks best with the place, remember me to Gobbetti and his wife. I wrote a few lines to Mrs. Birt Bilney the other day. Good Bye for the present

I remain
Your ever loving
W. Weaber

I am sending six Cards altogether for you

Kisses for you

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