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March 28th 1918
Dear Aunt
Just a few lines to let you know that I am quite well and I hope that you are both the same.
Well I am down in Port Said at the present for ten days on leave, well it is a break and that is all you can say about it, but of course it is a change of tucker and one thing they do not bother you much, well it is a very dirty place, like nearly all these forein places are, there is nothing to see here at all.
I am not writing you a letter this time only a short note, I will write a longer letter later on. I had my Photo taken yesterday so I will be sending you a couple as soon as I get them, I hope that they will be good for your sakes at home. I have just heard that we are likely to be recalled at any moment, so that means that we must be moveing out at once.
I am afraid that you will be disappointed with this short note. I have sent you a scarf and a table Centre I hope that you have the luck to get them safe, they are in a parcel that I sent Nell, so that you ought to go over and get them as soon as you hear that they have arrived.
We have been down and saw the Armenian refuggie camp, my word they are a fat and Happy lot they all look well satisfied with them selves