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Medusa and Holothuria; - particularly M. Capulata and Vella - and H. - Physalis.  Some of Each were taken up.  Among the Fishes taken, was a pretty Scomber - differing but little from S. duetor - or the Pilop Mackerel - but handsomer & larger  - its length 13 Inches.

     In the Short Stay of Eleven days  at Ceylon, I was highly gratified with the various productions of the Island and could have found the highest Amusement for a long stay here - which is to be met with in the Vicinity of Colombo, has been but little Explored by the Botanist or Naturalist and would I have no doubt afford abundant to reward & Enrich the researches of the traveller.

     I was much disappointed on my Visit to what was termed a Botanical Garden late in Charge of Mr. Kerr - deceased; - it is of Small Extent - Situated on the border of a Lake - and So low - and flat as to prove injurious to most of the Exotics and Other plants requiring a drier Soil - for a short time may thrive and promise well - but as the roots penetrate the Shallow Stratum of Soil - they reach the water - and many fine trees - there stops at improvement and gradually decay - At [Cultra?] - 28 Miles to the South is Said to be better spot - and intended for a Botanical Establishment - this I was Not able to Visit - it is Not however in progress - there being No

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