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I dont think Fritz got near the place, as Le Havre is too valuable, to let Fritz get into, Le Havre is, the main Base for guns and ammunition
Left the Casino at 3.30pm and boarded the "Gloucester Castle" at 3.45pm. Pulled out from wharf at 5.30pm. and lay off till 10pm. when we left for Good Old Blighty
Great number of wounded Germans on board, and they were put on the bottom deck and had one of our boys, guarding them, in case anything should happen to the ship they would be the last to leave.
This shipping company issued men with a box containing pipe, 2 ozs [ounces] tobacco and a few packets of cigarettes, and they were jolly acceptable.
Sun. 18th Aug
Arrived Southampton 10am, Entrained and left Sth Hampton at 5pm. arriving Brighton at 7pm. Here special electric trams were waiting for the walking cases, and we were taken