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[Page 82]

tent rested till 12.30. had dinner hot day. rested till 5 P.M. fed up and had tea saddled up and went on an outpost on 4 Post 3 A.M. till 5 A.M. nothing doing.

Thursday Aug. 9.8.17
Saddled up and returned to camp fed up had Breakfast led five camels up to hospital to be mange dressed had dinner there very hot day had a good Bath rested till 3.30 P.M. Brought camels Back to camp fed up had tea turned in am well.

Friday Aug. 10.8.17
turned out 5.30 A.M. fed up had Breakfast had a letter from maud, two from Josie one from mick two from win. rested till 12.30 had dinner a hot day rested till 5 P.M. had tea saddled up

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