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order left Taboue 3.45. went as far a Ballah which Place we reached 6 P.M. off saddled Put down a line and watered camels a silly thing to do. had tea turned in.

Friday Sept. 14.9.17
turned out 4 A.M. had a swim fed up saddled up had Breakfast. left Ballah 5.30 A.M. went to ferry Post which place we reached 10.30 A.M. unpacked fed up had dinner rested till 2 P.M. fell in 2.30. they said something about sports. had a good clean up and done some washing. fed up 5 P.M. had tea and turned in cool night.

Saturday Sept. 15.9.17
Turned out 6 A.M. fed up had a good Bath got Breakfast and Packed up. left ferry Post 7.30 went to Serapeum which Place

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