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[Page 35]

rest had shower had Breakfast went on q.m. fatigue over to the ordnance got two waggon loads of ordnance finished 11 A.M. went to canteen had a Bottle of Beer a very good Beer to day had dinner 12.30 had a Plum duff. rested till 4 P.M. had tea 5 P.M. wrote to win and maud shorter had a Beer and turned in 8.30 P.M. cool night.

Friday June 8.6.17

Stand to 6 A.M. had Breakfast had shave cleaned up got ready for rifle inspection. no inspection watered camels had dinner 12.15 rested till 4 P.M. went on ΒΌ guard 5 P.M. had tea 5.30. turned in 10 P.M. all clear.

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