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[Page 31]

Upacked and had tea 7.30 on guard to night No. 8 Post on 11.30 till 12 it is a rag time guard moonlight night.

Sunday M June 3.6.17
Stand to 3 A.M. fed up had a drink of tea Jam and Biscuits loaded up and moved off 4.30 A.M. trecked about 10 mile reached our destination a Place called gidie.

8.30 A.M. seen convey in and on landing unpacked our own camels and had Breakfast. the country here is very rough all Bare stony hills it is high ground very hot had a wash the first for three days. there is a few tin Pot wells here watered camels rested till 11.30 had dinner 12.30 rested till 2 P.M. Packed up and moved off again 2.30 P.M.

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