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[Page 17]

had a look around. the wind Played havoc here all the huts are Blown all shapes some with roofs hanging some lop sided sand all over everything. a Big hospital Boat named Neuralia has just Passed along no doubt she is Bound for Australia. the company are moving out to day for a 2 week stint. I am remaining here till I get my teeth done. a fine hot day. the company has moved out. 12.30 had dinner 1 P.M. still on ¼ guard rested till 4 P.M. had tea turned in 9 P.M. cool night.

Monday May 21.5.17
Stand to 5.30. had shave and shower was relieved from ¼ guard 6.30 had Breakfast. a Big Boat gone along. went to Moascar to the dentist got a ride in in a motor lorry got impression taken went

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