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[Page 79]

13: Zoological gardens in afternoon, then dinner at Zietoun.
16: Boys had a dinner at St. James; Kirsall, 'Girl in the Train' fair show.
18: Zietoun – musical evening, had a fine time.
19: Gezirich races – Picadilly vaudeville at night, fair show.
20: Trip to Barrage, Zietoun at night.
22: First exam this morning. Sent parcels & shell casings away.
23: Mena Pyramids - Zietoun for diner.
25: End of school, received a first-class pass, average - 89.
26: Left Zietoun camp at 9 a.m. on five day's school leave. Stayed at Rossmore House. Heliopolis races.
27: Motor to Helouan in afternoon. Zietoun for diner.
28: Trips up the Nile on a felouka, tea on the river & Kursaal at 9 p.m.
29: Presentation of colours to Sultan's cavalry in Abdin Square.- Zietoun.

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