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orange groves were thrown open to the units in reserve & we managed to get a good supply before moving on again. Brown bread & grape jam in abundance, so we had a good feed during the halt. Whilst mounting our guns in the orchard the enemy deliberately shelled the town, wounding 3 people. We had one post at the wine cellars & some of the boys made hay whilst they had the chance. N.Z. mounted on our left had a hot scrap at Ayunkara leaving over 300 Turks on thefield, our casualities27killed & 140 wounded. During the night the enemy succeeded in getting away in spite of our outposts & patrols. On outpost in the orchard all night.
15: Moved on at daybreak, reaching Ludd (via Ramle) at 5 p.m. Road littered with transport & shells, left by the enemy during their hurried retreat. "B" sqdn. 1st regt. & our two sections charged a party on the flat, capturing 350 all ranks including 40 huns & 7 machine guns. We had 8 eight wounded in this charge. Second regt. found remains of 5 planes & tons of bombs at Ramla. Camped at Ludd for the night, on outpost.
16: Left Ludd at 9 a.m., halting at [indecipherable] at noon, linking up with N.Z. mounteds, who entered Jaffa