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4: Inspected by Gen. Cox who has returned from England & taken over the Bde.from Bob Meredith.

10: Aust. Imp. Camel Corps arrived today, 1000 strong & presented a fine sight.

17: Left Romani at 6 p.m. reaching Abd on the 18th, pushing on to Salmana at 5 p.m., camping for the night with our Bde. 2nd & 3rd Bdes. rode on to Mazar.

19: Mazar attacked by light horse at daybreak, but our force was too weak & had to retire at noon; returning to Salmana , leaving here with wounded at 11 p.m. 17 killed & 43 wounded.

20: Reached Kilo 47 at 6 a.m., handing wounded to clearing station. These had been transported across 40 miles of desert & were under canvas in 14 hours. Left here at midnight,

21: Arrived in camp at noon & glad to have a few hours rest.

27: Presentation of decorations won on Gallipoli. Cpl. McRae received D.C..M. & received a fine ovation from the boys.

Current Status: 