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3: Stand to at 3 a.m., N.Z. mounted had a hot fight near Jaffa, having to retire owing to the infantry not being strong enough to gain the objective. Enemy counter attacked, the .N.Z. men serving machine guns at a range of 30 yds, and having to swim the river to escape, only two being hit, but they managed to get all guns away in time.
5: Left Ayumkara at midnight, reaching Jaffa at 2 a,m. in support of Auckland regt. Though town was out of bounds we managed to attend a concert given by a Romanian violinist on the 6th. Town is rather nice, well laid out & fine buildings. Camped in an orange grove, but it has been raining since last night, making things unpleasant.
7: Stand to 3 a.m. Left Jaffa at dusk, relieved by 54th Div., rode to Ayumkara in pouring rain, clothes & maps being soaked. Reached camp at 10 p.m., place flooded out & mud inches deep. Moved on to the sand & camped.
8: Stand to at 3 a.m., exercising horses at 5 still raining & country in a fearful condition, transport cannot cross the flats owing to mud. Canteen goods & wine on hand today.