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15: Brig. Cox paid us a visit & the boys complained to him of treatment by lady doctors & the food. He saw the C.O. & played old Harry with the [indecipherable], saying the food was not fit for dogs & wanted to know who was getting the 4/- per day paid for sick Aussies in all English hospitals. Attack of Spanish flu & vomiting day & night, having a rough time. Champagne & Brandy & Soda is my diet at present, but cannot keep it down. Life is awful here, the place is more like a prison & a man would go wanky if the Aussie sisters were not looking after us. Our doctor is about 24, skirts just below her knees & a military cap pulled over her eyes & ears; the boys calling her Jockey Jack.
24: Still in bed, slight attack of pleurisy & have lost over two stone since coming here. Have quinine abscesses since the injections & balancing on rubber cushions. Shall be glad to get out of here, it is awful being in bed, but many of my pals from the cadet school visit me & it is good to have them for an hour or two.