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[Page 94]

Wednesday Sept 30 – 1914
On Monday night an alarm was sounded - Rockets were sent up & AE2 promptly got ready - This was just on midnight - The alarm however didn't seem to me to promise very much for I noticed 2 Destroyers at anchor & also that the flagship still remained a darkened ship which it wouldn't have provided the enemy were close up - I turned in again & I noticed Stoker soon after come - back in his bunk on deck -
Tuesday morning I had a jolly swim – my last for a bit for there's going to be movement - It's in the air - No shore leave granted, coal, water, food taken in - This all points the one way – only -

I went off with a patient to the Grantala & returned with him - The Grantala crowd have nothing to do - 3 operations only all their stay & about 3 cases per doctor - Pretty rotten going & a dry ship too - No liquor bar open - They ought to go round to Europe & justify their existence -

The "Oona" came in during the forenoon & the Upolu mails came off - We sorted & delivered them - I got your three - I notice the boy spells "skool" phonetically & quite right too - Then we read the papers - We are only 10 days out - Nothing past Sept 20 - During the morning AE2 went out & did her diving "stunt" - It was quite impossible to see her at times - There was nothing to suggest that such a formidable foe was lurking yon - Submarines have huge planes – aft – by tilting which at certain angles they go down or come up - They fill tanks with water & [indecipherable] - Once she went down – bows up – but

[drawing of a plane]

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