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Thurdsay Oct 23 – Friday- After breakfast AE2 cast off from us & went away to a creek nearer the entrance to the harbor - I think the idea is to let the men swim & bathe & go on shore & to be away from Pubs & similar well known evils - The fleet came in save the Sydney & promptly anchored - Nothing doing but in the eveng there was a buz round that the flagship had got some good war news of a naval kind - Well – we shall glad to hear something good from the North Sea - A mail boat came in & I got a letter from Mrs McConnel of Cressbook Qld asking me for details about AE1 & poor Scarlett -
We got papers up to Oct 13 - What harrowing details that flight from doomed Antwerp supplies - Old men, women & children with their manhood away at the front - I wonder what 'unser Gott' thinks of machine guns on the steeples of his special buildings spreading the gospel of love as exemplified by Bill – his chosen -

I watched bullocks – 6 altogether – being towed by the French transport to the Montcalm - They put strong poles athwart a launch & at either end tie a beast & keep his head well up - Fresh beef for the Montcalm -

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