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[Page 107]

The Tommies guard this place - Otherwise it will be quite unguarded for at 5pm there wont be a vessel in the harbor - What will become of our prizes I wonder? All our officers are recalled & AE2 pushes off shortly - Farewell Die Mutter - Farewll Ribaul - I shant see either again - I visited the Native Hospital this morning & met Dr Kronen ? German - By ramshackle dirty sheds & some 120 men, women & children Chinese – Japanese prostitutes, natives - Dr - K - knew Hirschfield of Brisbane & spoke of him - Elephantitis – Beri Beri – Malaria – Tropic Ulcer – Phblisis Varicella – Keloid vaccination scars – Dysentry - The place was badly kept – sheds not wards & much dirt - Where the Jap women were was the only respectable looking place - How these women looked & leered at you - "Viele regen, viele fieber" said Dr - Kronen in answer to my question – "Nicht regen, nicht fieber' - Plenty of anopheles & their offspring Malaria -
Dr Kronen was very nice & polite & I told him how I liked the Botanic garden & the acclimatisation experiments – then I thanked him & left - Wherever

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