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than I had originally intended -

Suva ladies are mostly washed out – the climate is against them - They are wan & pallid - Some are all right - They are the recent arrivals - From an eugenic point of view only 2 or 3 of those present were to my mind of at all good physique - Mab is a far finer girl than any girl I've seen here - The open air life & greater activity of men makes tremendously in their favor -

When we got to the beach we took the ladies to the Upolu - The Upolu had come up to the wharf in the afternoon for water & we are to stay some 4 days - We gave them champagne & at last a chaperone said to me – We ought to go home & I said you must act firmly or you wont get home with your charges at all if these officers can detain you by talk & hospitality - She took my point & then we all went with them to the pier head – said goodbye & got inboard & I got to my bunk about 1 am -

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