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Saty - Oct 10th 1914

I last wrote on W-day - since then there has been nothing to record - The weather has been fine but we'v been much delayed by a head sea & wind from the S.E. – Our runs show - 180-137-156 Very very slow business this - We have taken a route clear of islands so as not to be norked by Germans - We went thro the Solomons - We saw Bellon & Rauelle islands on the starboard beam – huge elongated, well wooded islands - We have just done half our distance 920 miles in 6 days - We have not had any breakdown or accident & the health of all on board is excellent - Pharaoh set a good example when he hanged his chief baker & we wd - like to hang ours - His bread is too awful & he cant or wont cook things sufficiently - Tough dough constitutes his idea of pastry - Like everything else on the Upolu our freezing chamber is not too good & we've had to throw a lot overboard - 6000 lbs of meat -

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