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The order therefore makes known mainly the contents of this telegram, together with the numbers to be allotted to each train, the Officers in charge of trains, the place and time for the stacking of baggage, the time of Camp inspection by the Group Quartermaster, explicit instructions with regard to the cleaning of the camp and lastly it names the conducting Officer and N.C.O. Copies of this order are sent to everyone concerned, thus to the Brig-General, Staff Captain, Group. Q.M., O.C. and Adjutant of Quota "X", Railway Transport Officer at Codford Railway Station, the Messing Officer and lastly Tidworth. The next day is the last day before embarkation. A final check of the Quota together with a medical inspection is held in the same manner as the previous one already described and the G.O.C. or representative holds a surprise kit inspection.
With regard to this last, a certificate is rendered to Tidworth and signed by the G.O.C. to this effect and it is only one among many. Certificates are made out and signed in triplicate, one to Tidworth, one to the transport and one kept at Group as reference. The Senior Medical Officer has three to render, the first being jointly with the G.O.C. It is to the effect that A.F.B.s 634 (Medical Board papers) have been placed aboard the transport for every man embarking. The second he alone signs and is that all troops embarking have received one injection of the ½ C.C. per man of influenza vaccine and that enough vaccine has been placed aboard the transport to complete a further inoculation of 2 C.C. per man. The third he signs with the M.O. making the final examination of the draft the day prior to embarkation. It reads that all troops whose names appear on the accompanying Nominal Rolls have been medically examined and that they are free from