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8.Enemy about 2 miles from our line, but patrols in touch day & night. Fearfully hot, but camped within ½ mile from the wadi & can enjoy a cool bath. Horses taken back 5 miles from our front line.
9: Enemy gives us a lively time with shells & we have dug in on the hills. Standing to 3 a.m. each morning in reserve position, but nothing startling has occurred so far. We are supported by 5 batteries of 4.5 guns, which shell the enemy from daybreak to dark.
12: First regt. bivouac area shelled, two men killed. Enemy is now shelling our camps & dumps at Jericho with 9.2 guns, distance of nine miles, doing considerable damage.
14: Moved out at 6 p.m. taking over no.1 &2 posts at Maskareh. Taube shot down by gunfire in our lines today, both men killed & machine smashed. Four hours duty on guns for each man every night; moving to cover at daybreak.
17: Enemy attempted to raid Manelabah post but was repulsed, leaving four dead in front of our position.
19: First regt. hdqrs shelled, one killed & two wounded.