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in our gun squadron. 400 prisoners were taken by us during the day. Mjr. Chisholm of Bde wounded when visiting the line. Our heavy guns gave the enemy a severe hiding during his retirement. Enemy also attacked the I.C.C. west of the Jordan, suffering heavy casualties, not gaining a solitary objective on the whole front.
12: All is peaceful again, except for a few enemy shells, one accounting for our bivvy, but nobody hit. Buried enemy dead, bringing in their wounded & 47 more prisoners.
15: Parcels from Ruby today, raining heavily; swimming in the Jordan.
16: Birthday; still raining heavily.
18: Battalion of Indians came up to reinforce our position, doing duty with our boys, who take their cavalry out on each patrol. Rain ceased during the night.
19: Left the trenches at 2 a.m., carrying out a reconnaissance stunt to Shunet Nimrin., under heavy shell fire. Did not fire a shot, yet we had 2 killed 14 wounded & 30 horses hit during the day. Our men rode within range of enemy rifle fire, yet ordered to retire