Item 01: Fred Hamilton-Kenny letter diary, 29 August-19 October 1914 - Page 25

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[Page 25]

Borrowed a helmet – got my gloves & looked all right as a civilian medico - Captain & I then stepped over a submarine into our little motor launch & off we went – the only 2 men off the Upolu anyway - We landed on a very fine wharf – 1000 foot wharf – astern of the troop ship Berrima - Then we landed on erstwhile German territory but now British – (may it ever remain so) - We saw pickets everywhere & they saluted as we past - Everyone was going down a certain roadway Casuarina trees flanked it - I noticed many trees & Hibiscus – glorious double Hibisci - After all was over I went into a garden & got 3 superb beauties & brought them off - The verandalled villas seemed bare & empty - on a few lay the kit of Tommies but no nice seats or verandah chairs - I fancy the Germans had cleared out early - I looked thro French windows but saw no furniture or draperies which confirmed my notion - I looked & observed hard for 10 minutes till

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