Item 01: Fred Hamilton-Kenny letter diary, 29 August-19 October 1914 - Page 47

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[Page 47]

launch going ashore - It was the French Admiral - An Admiral flies a flag both fore & aft on his dinghy & has 3 stars on the flag forward – at least the French chap had - Suddenly the Protector's bugle sounded & all the officer's & men on deck stood to attention & we saluted as the French Admiral went by - "Carry on" shouted the captain & normal duties were resumed - Carry on is a great command phrase & so are the words 'Can do' 'No can do' if you can or cannot do a job - Naval catch words -
Last eveng - at sunset & again at 8 am the Band on the French Admiral's flag ship played the Marseillaise & then 'God save' - We all stand to attention & face aft until the band ceases - Why? Because the Tricolour & Union Jack go up at 8 & down at sunset - It was touching & sweet to hear the strains of the French & then the British National anthem & to know we were allies in a great & good fight for liberty -

The Flagship Australia – Sydney & Melbourne have left for parts unknown & the French 'bloke' is in charge -

I was away to the Grantala – in the bay – this aftn 16th & when I arrived I asked for some drugs & I got precious little but I went into the wards & saw 2 Naval brigade men who had been

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