State Library of NSW
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Says he is ill & cant work & wont work - I can find nothing wrong with him physically - The Captain wanted to punish him but I said – No - we've a hospital ship & I'll take him there & they'll watch him for a few days & get at the bottom of his trouble - In the stokehole it's very hot & men get knocked out & a few days may set them up - This man has been invalided once out of the Navy - & why he should be readmitted is a puzzle - Saw one of the Grantala medicoes - He told me he was 'fed up' & wanted to get back - These young chaps think they ought to be doing 'star turns' all day & every day & don't like dull blank monotonousness - wireless is fed up & swears he'll never volunteer again -
On my return from the Grantala I inspected under Haggard's guidance AE2 - She's just a mass of pipes, tubes, coils, cocks, valves dynamos & varied electric gear - You go down a man hole & are on a deck, the main & only deck – go slightly aft & you can stand up straight & find yourself in the ward room & officers bed room combined - Beds shut into drawers when
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