Item 01: Fred Hamilton-Kenny letter diary, 29 August-19 October 1914 - Page 174

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[Page 174]

Monday Oct 2 - 1914 Its grand weather - Perfect weather - Sunday morng I put in quietly reading & writing but in the aftn I went to the beach & called on Dr. Montague the GMO - There are 5 medicos in Suva – GMO – Ireland Health Off & De Boissier – Senior Off at the Hosp - In addition there are 2 private practitioners – Price & Drake - These 2 latter I have not met – I called officially on the other 3 - The GMO has been 16 years in Suva & from his verandah there is a glorious view over a big landscape & blue also a big seascape right to the reef - He belongs originally to St Thomas Hospital & we knew some men in common - As I belong to the Submarine push I think people are glad to see & talk to me for Submarines are still in the novelty stage & the loss of AE1 brought us pretty prominently into notice - About 5 - 30 I left & walked quietly back to my ship admiring on the way some fine, very fine Dracoenas with their colored foliage – also some very fine Strelitzias at the foot

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