Item 01: Fred Hamilton-Kenny letter diary, 29 August-19 October 1914 - Page 199

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[Page 199]

In the afternoon the Australia went out - She was unattended save by a fast collier - The Yarra came in & anchored - I did nothing all day - I wanted a spell & in addition there was nowhere to go to on the beach -

The wildest buz is afloat - Everyone is going to Sydney - We are all to go to Valparaiso "The Falklands" The Australia is to go alone to Valparaiso & the rest to sit hard - We are to go to Noumea & be joined up by AE2 & the Destroyers - As an actual fact no one knows anything -

Monday Nov 9 Steam ordered for 5.30 am - At 6 we were alongside the wharf & began taking in fresh water - No further news - We are to report to the Encounter when our tanks are full - I went ashore at 9 - Got my hair cut & bought some P. Cards for R & Mab - I also invested in 3 stone axes for R's benefit - Nothing like seeing & handling these old instruments of Neolithic man - At the shops they told me the polished axes were the more valuable which is just the reverse of correct - The older unpolished axe is far the more valuable – the unpolished represents man in the Paleolithic or old stone age -

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