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R.M.S. Morea
At Sea
Dear Mother
Just a few lines to let you know that I am in the best of health and hope both of you are the same. Well I suppose that Uncle Johnny is over their by this time. Well I am sorry that I did not see him.
Well I can tell you the Port that we stayed at for three days was the prettiest place I ever saw in my life, the scenery was lovely, nothing but Bananas, Cocoa Nuts and Pine Apples growing wild all over the country, it is a most furtile country. The Houses are beyond discription, nothing could beat them, most of them are painted blue with red roofs the you see a lovely big house pure white and a most beautifull garden with all kinds of flowers.
I had a couple of rides in Richsas, but do not care for it to much, as it seems to much like slavery. We had a fine ride in a motor car five of us all together, we must of driven about seventy miles around the place, it was the finest sight I am ever likely to see. The little children all look so nice, naked as the day they were born, the men only wear mostly loin cloths. We was only on shore one day and a half.
We all had to wear life belts when leaving this port and was not allowed below for three hours as all the air tight chambers and all the Port holes were screwed down. We have a cruiser escorting us now