Coinage', 1797 - 1798 (Series 84.06) - No. 0009

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Mr. Williams delivers his improvd            
Plates at Per Ton ---------------------------------  114. 6. 8

Copper per Ton in Cakes   --- 106}
Rolling   -----------------               18)  -------      124. 0. 0
                                                         Less           9. 6. 8

To Receive back the old Plates at                    74.13. 4
   for recasting into Cake & Waste                      1.  0  0
   Carriage to his works                                       1.  0. 0
   Charge of Rolling                                            10. 0. 0 
                                                                           94.13. 4
                                                            Profit       19.13. 4
                                            original Price         114.  6. 8

Rather State it thus

Williams's Copper Costs him say                     100. 0. 0
     The Rolling Costs                                          12. 0 .0
                                                                          112. 0. 0
Cost of Plates at d11 a Pound                           112. 0. 0

he allows for Return Plates Per Ton                     74.13. 4
 Cost of Carriage to Marlow                                    0.  6. 8
          of melting into Cake                                      1.  0. 0 
          of Rolling into Plates                                   12.  0. 0
         Per Ton Profit at 12d a Pound                      24.  0. 0 
                                                                             112.  0. 0   
  Profit per Ton at 14d       26. 6. 0

[in margin] Mr. Wyatt
Mr.Wyats Proposals were receivd the Letter dated April 5.  he offers if he is supplied with Copper in Cakes to Coin it into pence & halfpence at 36 Pounds a Ton if they are to have rough Edges but if they are to have Smooth Edges he must have more  he cannot however do this unless large Quantities are to be made but will Engage provided he has some time to Coin 15 Tons a week

he wishes to be Furnishd with a dye by Government but will Engage to work by Pattern & Equal any

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