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I made Cayley [Caley] an offer of going in the Lady Nelson which he agreed to do; How far he has been successful in collecting I do not know, as he keeps his counsel to himself. However, I hope you will have every reason to be satisfied with his returns, he no doubt will write by the conveyance this goes by, the articles that Lieut. Grant & the other gentlemen who went in that vessell collected, I have sent by this conveyance, which I shall now particularly state & enumerate at the end of this Letter.
As soon as the Lady Nelson is refitted which I hope will be about the middle of June, I shall send her to examine the Coal Rivers, between this & Port Stephens; & as Col. Paterson, has offered to go in her, I hope we shall gain a perfect knowledge of that article, & the facility of getting it; A vessell belonging to an Individual is now there loading with Coal & Cedar, & as the Master of her is very intelligent, I hope to get much information from him. Nor am I idle respecting the Straits even at this time of the year - previous to Gov. Hunters departure, application was made to me, by some Enterprising people here, for leave to catch seals on & about Furneaux Islands; which was granted. When the Lady Nelson arrived here, her crew & officers were all discharged, according to their engagement in England & among them was one of the Mates, a very intelligent young man, who [indecipherable] with those people, & commanded their vessell; he returned here almost a fortnight, before the L. Nelsons return, & sailed again from here the day before her return. As this young man was a very intelligent &