Box 4 Folder 4: New South Wales place names, 1899-1903 - Page 3

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Tamworth  4th April 1900


  In compliance with your letter of the 30 August last, enclosing copy of a circular from the "Anthropological Society of Australasia"
I have the honor to enclose same with such information as I could obtain. In consequence of so many of the residents having died or left the District and there being so few intelligent blacks now left it is a difficult matter to obtain reliable information, Some of the old hands that I have written to have evidently misunderstood me and sent 'Blacks names' others their places. I have attached some which may be of some value. I tried to find out the meaning of bri which ends so many of our places, one black said it means just nothing: another said just like white fellows Damn it 
  I have the honor[sic] to be
your obedient Servant 
George Loder 
General Surveyor

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