File 2: Hassall family, correspondence, volume 1, pp. 691-1800, 1855-1874: No. 004

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I can not express how grateful I
feel that our Heavenly Father has
sent us such a man to rule over
& guide us  -  But with our  [...]
we have our trials  -  Tuesday ev.g [evening]  I was sent for to Macquarie Grove
to visit poor old Tom  [B..]   He had had his thigh broken on this day Monday by a kick from a mare & they were
compelled to amputate it that night
Before my return he was dead &
buried  -  On that night Mrs Howell [sp?]
told me of Thom's sad conduct - and
on my return Sabbath even.g [evening] from
Vermont I heard he was no more
He died on Sabbath Morn.g [morning] hastened his end by intemperance
- What a solemn warning to George & others

I had written him a long letter but he never received it - What an awfully besetting sin is that of intemperance  -  but the love of money on one hand & the love of drink on the other hurries men on to destruction  -  I have just returned from his funeral the Rev M Rogers read the service - There were not many present alas my nephew !!-

We are getting on with the interior of the Church I cannot help thinking it will be a great improvement - I held service last Sabbath in the School room I suppose we shall be one or two Sabbath more there - Mrs Barber was much pleased with your wife & Child.n [Children]

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