Volume 73: Macarthur family memoranda and accounts relating to wine, 1838-1930: No. 028

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November 1841

Estimate of Probable Expenses and Returns on Vineyards at per acre

1st. Year.
Light deep soil for common wine
Value of land cleared, stumped & fenced...... £15: 0: 0
Trenching 2 spits deep & 1/6 per rod-£12, 4,000 Vine cuttings. 12/-...... 12: 12: 0
Levelling ground & planting cuttings 40/-, hoeing to 1st January. 8/-...... 2: 8: 0
  30: 0: 0

2nd. Year. 

4,000 stakes @ 40/- £8,  2 labours @ 25/- 50/-, 2 hoeings @ 5/- 10/-...... 11: 0: 0
Pruning & staking 10/-, tying up young shoots etc. 10/-...... 1: 0: 0
Interest upon £30 @ 10 per cent ...... 3: 0: 0
  45: 0: 0

3rd Year.

Digging, hoeing etc., 60/-, Pruning & tying up shoots 30/- 4: 10: 0
Interest upon £45...... 4: 10: 0
  54: 0: 0

4th Year. 

Digging, hoeing 60/-, tying up shoots 20/-, Pruning etc., 40/-...... 6: 0: 0
Interest upon £54 £5:8:0, Vintage & Cellar expenses £2: 12: 0...... 8: 0: 0
  68: 0: 0
200 galls. Wine @ 6 months old worth 1/6 per gall. 15: 0: 0
  53: 0: 0

5th Year. 

Annual labours 80/- Pruning 50/- Vintage & Cellarage 74/-...... 10: 4: 0
Interest upon £53...... 5: 6: 0
  68: 10: 0
400 gallons. Wine @ 1/6...... 30: 0: 0
  38: 10: 0

6th Year. 

Annual expenses in Vineyard £6:10:0, Vintage and Cellarage £3: 10: 0...... 10: 0: 0
Wear and Tear of tools or other expenses,  not taken account...... 14: 0: 0
  62: 10: 0
700 galls imp. of wine @ 1/6...... 62: 10: 0
Supposed average annual produce 800 Imp. Galls. @ 1/6 60: 0: 0
Annual expenses...... 10: 0: 0
Annual value of produce 50: 0: 0

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