Mrs. David Milson Kamilaroi vocabulary and Aboriginal songs, 1840 - Page 19

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[Page 19]

Warratau -  the Gigantic lily
Wee         }
Weegnon }
Conindin Bee
Conyon }
Cooleman, a hollow dish cut off the Apple tree
Micae, sweet - or sugar
Pi,ulla to ask or speak
Coyuin water
Careothan Coola  Do not be angry as we do not wish
Woman an a coola to fight - of the Liverpool
& Wollombi tribes
Bulga native Companion
Currange Wild duck
Curen bandicoot
Goe opossum
Muggga  Wild Cat
Towarraway Kangaroo rat
Bundar Kangaroo
Culliar Squirrel
Marin Wild dog
Burwan wild turkey
Tinum Emu

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