Give me Thyima |
Tattoo moobie or moobidule |
Give it for cric guiroona |
Thieving, Conamuldi |
Belonging to me Georgooymgning |
Go & see Guerak guummilla |
Thirsty Colly guin |
Come thus may munathyaninga |
Bring me water Collygin |
This is a fine day Wallingeenbi |
Lame wambore |
Do you think it will rain Collindia nilungila yonee |
Sho..... guymmin mulla |
Bite eelda |
Have you , ja ninda |
Scratch mongee |
Another fellow Nuronggi |
Point it Bitholdi |
Shake it , cerregildi |
Sharpen it Coygee bulnee |
Dont shake it cunnan curraeereegillay |
So did I,guia givalalleboa |
Leave it Eathama |
Turn around gierawana |
Did you eat enough yandabanuldie |
Where is it Sullana |
When I [saw?] well wannagoorung giggee |
Did you get it , ya geer |
Grow Thoolraldi |
Rub it meamulla |
Does not grow Caurril thooranabilla |
Let out Thooroobinea |
Cough fwoonoo goonoo |
Put in moobinea |
Smell Gnool |
I am not telling a liar Canmil gui yalgwallo greaso |
Sneezing Ciggoor tha nurrindi |
Yes Goorele [yawu?] |
Sunburnt moorigo oombilolu |
Come back Tauawallen |
above Bow |
The Gate murrama |
Below Bithingi |
Like this yallagui |
a Tail thoon |
Like that yalliboo |
Stooping Thoolan |
Hang it up Bindi mulla |
Hold up your head mirrabillay gungan |
Take it down Boonda mulla |
Shaking Deegilki |
Never mind yalwana |
winking millabilla |
All about Boondoba |
Did you lose it monandgrin |
Bring them home Digonwalla |
yes I lost it Good man gui [ginsgins?] |
Down there Nuddama |
A flintstone numramak |
I hit him with a stone Olleroobilola |
I am glad to see you Gia gindi |
The [hare?] Nieddama weala |
Lowing or bleating Tharuldindi |
Put it on the ground meddama dowuda |
Sick Bine |
Come round Hureathi |
well warrawean |
Here being there Pua yallibae |
Pains yourun |
To cling [Ebece?] |
Breath Boolewat |
well done geermurroo |
Blood Puoy |
Look behind Hure a goowey |
Liver gonna |
Gone that way gnuroobah gnooloo |
Heart , Ghee |
Come down ya vorlee |
Stomach mubul |
Come over Thy baurea |
A cough gomo gooner |
Promise gwalleendi |
A Knot gnamo |
Up here murrama |
Bury Domuda oowalla |
Reckon Barree mutbella |
Lost moorgirdi |
Farther on Nidda Beerooka |
Cook boole |
Where are they Tullama |
Smelling gnoolinda raan |
It's here Murrama |
A fire blaze wee woolonda |
All round moomurra boondooabagoo |
Fat blaze wawmoo worlie |
You keep it ninda wemon |
Cockatoos lop knot Tiggure |
Keep it for me ninda we muldia gui |
Lame wearawandi |
Whistle weelay |
Sing Boweldi or boweldindi |
Kiss me gnigiallee |
To forget Wongindi |
Poor fellow Naragathule |
I forgot Guia moorgin |
Great rogue Binna Wallinge |
Come back Di Tarrawalla |
Blow him up Wathagindi |
Throw it away walla |
Beard less boy Yari thalleba |
What do you want Minago |