Mrs. David Milson Kamilaroi vocabulary and Aboriginal songs, 1840 - Page 8

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Give me     Thyima  Tattoo  moobie or moobidule
Give it for cric guiroona Thieving,  Conamuldi
Belonging to me Georgooymgning  Go & see Guerak guummilla
Thirsty  Colly guin  Come thus may munathyaninga
Bring me water Collygin This is a fine day Wallingeenbi
Lame wambore  Do you think it will rain Collindia nilungila yonee 
Sho..... guymmin mulla  
Bite eelda  Have you , ja ninda 
Scratch mongee Another fellow Nuronggi 
Point it  Bitholdi Shake it , cerregildi 
Sharpen it  Coygee bulnee Dont shake it cunnan curraeereegillay
So did I,guia givalalleboa  Leave it  Eathama
Turn around gierawana Did you eat enough yandabanuldie
Where is it  Sullana  When I [saw?] well wannagoorung giggee 
Did you get it , ya geer Grow Thoolraldi
Rub it  meamulla Does not grow Caurril thooranabilla
Let out Thooroobinea Cough fwoonoo goonoo 
Put in  moobinea  Smell Gnool 
I am not telling a liar Canmil gui yalgwallo greaso Sneezing  Ciggoor tha nurrindi 
Yes Goorele [yawu?] Sunburnt  moorigo oombilolu 
Come back  Tauawallen above  Bow
The Gate  murrama  Below  Bithingi 
Like this  yallagui  a Tail  thoon
Like that  yalliboo  Stooping Thoolan
Hang it up Bindi mulla Hold up your head mirrabillay gungan 
Take it down Boonda mulla Shaking Deegilki 
Never mind yalwana winking millabilla
All about  Boondoba Did you lose it monandgrin
Bring them home Digonwalla yes I lost it Good man gui [ginsgins?]
Down there Nuddama A flintstone numramak
I hit him with a stone Olleroobilola  I am glad to see you Gia gindi 
The [hare?] Nieddama weala  Lowing or bleating Tharuldindi
Put it on the ground  meddama dowuda Sick Bine
Come round Hureathi  well warrawean 
Here being there Pua yallibae   Pains yourun 
To cling [Ebece?] Breath Boolewat
well done geermurroo Blood Puoy 
Look behind Hure a goowey Liver gonna
Gone that way gnuroobah gnooloo Heart , Ghee 
Come down ya vorlee Stomach mubul
Come over Thy baurea A cough gomo gooner
Promise gwalleendi A Knot  gnamo 
Up here murrama  Bury Domuda oowalla 
Reckon Barree mutbella Lost  moorgirdi
Farther on  Nidda Beerooka Cook  boole
Where are they Tullama Smelling gnoolinda raan 
It's here Murrama A fire blaze wee woolonda
All round moomurra boondooabagoo Fat blaze wawmoo worlie
You keep it ninda wemon Cockatoos lop knot Tiggure
Keep it for me ninda we muldia gui  Lame wearawandi
Whistle weelay Sing Boweldi or boweldindi
Kiss me gnigiallee To forget Wongindi 
Poor fellow Naragathule  I forgot Guia moorgin 
Great rogue Binna Wallinge Come back Di Tarrawalla
Blow him up Wathagindi Throw it away walla
Beard less boy Yari thalleba What do you want Minago 

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